Spandex Swimwear is Not Meant for Out of Shape People

  I love spandex swimwear, but there are a lot of people that have taken this fascinating aspect of life too far. I’m not talking about all the sexy men and women out there wearing something that is a tad bit revealing or anything. I’m talking about those people that should truly reconsider wearing tight …

Choosing the Best Spandex Swimwear

  It takes a special type of guy to wear men’s spandex swimwear in public. Well, maybe not those designs that are generally traditional in nature but only made from spandex. Most people aren’t even aware that they are made from this wonderful material and probably wouldn’t pay any attention to them unless I wore …

Spandex Swimwear and the Office

  I love wearing my spandex swimwear as often as I can. In fact, I am wearing them right now and I am at the office writing this. I don’t know which would get me in more trouble, though; my boss finding out about me writing this online or that I was sitting in my …

The Guilty Pleasure of Spandex Swimwear

  Wearing spandex swimwear is one of my guilty pleasures in life. I don’t really know what it is about them that makes me crave wearing them so much, but I do enjoy it. I have even gone so far as to wear them under my pants like I would my underwear. The only problem …

Courageous Spandex Swimwear

  Something that designers of swimwear for men are constantly trying to do is come up with some new, innovative, and courageous styles for spandex swimwear. This is no small feat to accomplish, either. When you think about it; just how many different swimwear designs can be created for men? The area of swimwear is …

Spandex Swimwear for men

Welcome to our new spandex swimwear blog. We will feature stories, new designs, model photos, regular guy photos including myself, information about bikinis, thongs, G-strings and other extreme spandex swimwear designs for men. I hope you enjoy it!   Photo from the collection at