Courageous Spandex Swimwear


Something that designers of swimwear for men are constantly trying to do is come up with some new, innovative, and courageous styles for spandex swimwear. This is no small feat to accomplish, either. When you think about it; just how many different swimwear designs can be created for men? The area of swimwear is definitely a challenging one when it comes to being different enough from one design to another for it to be noticeable. Some people may actually say that this is just not possible to do. Swimwear designers, however, would disagree. They see this as something exciting that they can really dig their nails into and tap into the endless creativity that floats around in their very talented brains.

It is this very talent that will lend itself to the designing of new spandex swimwear. While men’s,spandex  briefs, bikinis, trunks, thongs, G-strings, and the like might all seem as if they have been done before, there can always be something just a little different that can be added or deleted from the current styles. Swimwear designers are assured of coming up with various ideas whether it is the cut, color, print, material or a myriad of other changes that will turn a vintage style of swimsuit into one that is sophisticated and modern. Whether they are working independently or brainstorming together at a single company, the ideas flow freely in order to coalesce into a seamless new swimsuit image.

Once these concepts are turned into spandex swimwear, they can be introduced into the market for purchase. Many times, these finished products take a bit of courage for men to chance wearing them because they are so different or erotic. Lots of public beaches do not take well to erotic designs that leave little to nothing to the imagination. On the other hand, if you happen to live near a clothing optional beach; you are in the perfect position to try out those new, hot and sexy swimsuit designs without being all that nervous about it.

Easy Care Spandex Swimwear


Most people know how effective that spandex swimwear can be when it comes to flattering a body as well as for providing comfort. What many do not realize is just how easy it is to care for this type of swimwear.  This can be a pretty important factor for those men that tend to party a lot around swimming pools and on beaches. Everyone knows how spills can happen especially when there is alcohol involved. When something happens to splash onto spandex, it is usually quite simple to just daub it off with a cloth or sponge. Even if it happens to be something that stains quickly and permanently, you still have an excellent chance of removing most of it before it settles into the fabric.

Something else that can be said about spandex swimwear is that it handles the rigors of salt water as well as chlorinated swimming pool water quite well. While this material will fade somewhat upon regular use, it fades with dignity and may only enhance the look of the garment. There is not a lot of fabrics that can carry that claim. Denim is the first one that comes to mind, but you really don’t find too many swimsuit designs made from denim unless you are using cutoffs as your swimming attire. Spandex, on the other hand, is not only appropriate for swimming, but the fading can actually add a new look to the bikinis.

All of these things should be kept in mind when it comes to choosing between purchasing spandex swimwear and some other type of swimwear. Keep in mind that, while spandex may not be the only fabric used to make swimwear; it is definitely at the top of the list in easy to care for swimsuits. Prices on these types of bikinis usually run in the reasonable and affordable range so that you should be able to find something pretty easily that will not only flatter you and please you, but won’t empty your bank account.



Shopping for Unique Spandex Swimwear


As spandex swimwear is so commonplace these days, it is difficult to find unique swimsuits that will get the attention from others. Guys are always looking for some way to turn the tables and gather as much attention as possible, and wearing unique styles of swimwear is a great way to do just that. Try walking down the beach in something that you found at your local big box store and see what kind of attention you get. Everyone has already seen that style of swimwear a thousand times before and they aren’t going to notice them just because you are wearing them.

Instead, you need to look around online for something unique and exciting. Today’s spandex swimwear is about as unique and exciting as you can get. Once you have these designs on, you will notice that people all over the beach will be coming up to you and asking you about your swimwear. You just have to be willing to put your body on display a bit in order to get that kind of attention. After all, these are designs that you can’t be shy about wearing. Besides, showing your body off is something that will make you feel extremely confident once you start getting all those compliments.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to go too unique when it comes to your first pair of men’s spandex swimwear. You might find that the attention you end up with isn’t such a good thing. You need to find something that you are going to be allowed to wear out in public or you will be getting all of the wrong kind of attention. Take your time while shopping around and make sure you buy something that will be considered acceptable to the general public. On the other hand, if you want something extra sexy for around the house, then don’t let anything stand in your way of getting them.



Spandex Swimwear Was Made for Men


There are a lot of guys that think spandex swimwear was made strictly for men. I have seen some women wearing spandex out on the beach, but I have to agree that this is a material men should be wearing. It fits so snuggly and shows off every little curve of a man’s body that I just don’t understand why more men aren’t wearing it. This is something that I would have been wearing while I was still in high school if I had known it was around. I might have gotten a lot of jokes about it, but I don’t care what other people think when I am that comfortable.

Spandex swimwear was something that kind of snuck up on everyone not too long ago. It was like, one day, all the guys were wearing Bermuda shorts and suddenly a guy walks out and says “Hey everyone, look at my spandex!” The first guy I saw wearing spandex made me want to go out immediately and purchase my own swimwear designs. It can have that kind of effect on guys that want something different from what everyone else on the beach is wearing. Which I feel is a good thing. It is great to take a path that everyone else is not travelling at the time.

Even if you think women are the only ones that should be wearing spandex swimwear, try a pair out for yourself and see how wrong you are. Sure, women can look good in skimpy swimwear, but only a guy can pull off something like this made from spandex. Besides, don’t you want to feel comfortable and in complete control at the same time? That is the type of thing you will get from wearing these spandex designs. Not to mention the attention you could be getting for yourself while you are showing your body off on the beach. I think that may be the main reason that I enjoy wearing my spandex so much.


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Spandex Swimwear for men

Welcome to our new spandex swimwear blog. We will feature stories, new designs, model photos, regular guy photos including myself, information about bikinis, thongs, G-strings and other extreme spandex swimwear designs for men. I hope you enjoy it!   Photo from the collection at Bulge_Desire_01