The Future of Spandex Swimwear

  I feel that men’s spandex swimwear is probably going to be the biggest thing to hit fashion in the last three hundred years. I keep seeing more guys wearing these designs out in public and, even if they don’t know what the material is; they are definitely making a statement. I am tired of seeing …

Give Spandex Swimwear a Chance

  If you are looking for something exciting to wear to the beach, then you need to take a close look at the spandex swimwear designs that are available these days. I wasn’t too sure about these designs when I first heard about them since I was never really a fan of spandex in the …

The Best Times to Play in Spandex Swimwear

  I have found that there are good times to wear men’s spandex swimwear and there are bad times to wear them. The good times, for me anyway, have always been in the middle of summer when there are literally hundreds of people out on the beach. In fact, the more people that are on the …

Spandex Swimwear is Not Meant for Out of Shape People

  I love spandex swimwear, but there are a lot of people that have taken this fascinating aspect of life too far. I’m not talking about all the sexy men and women out there wearing something that is a tad bit revealing or anything. I’m talking about those people that should truly reconsider wearing tight …

The Next Big Thing; Spandex Swimwear

  If you are looking for something interesting to wear to the beach, then why not try spandex swimwear? These things have been around for a few years and people that are wearing them love them. Some people don’t understand that you can buy swimwear made from spandex, though, and those are the people that …

Relaxing in my Spandex Swimwear

  One of the best reasons that I have found for wearing men’s spandex swimwear is the comfort. I know that wearing something of this nature for the first time will seem a bit awkward since it does fit tightly in certain areas, but you will get used to it. After a small amount of time, …

Spandex Swimwear

  I do believe that there are a few spandex swimwear designs on the market that should probably stay in the privacy of the bedroom for most guys. But there are a lot more of them that should be shared with the rest of the world. Those are the designs that I love taking out …

Spandex Swimwear to Get Attention

  It has come to my attention that there are guys wandering around on the beach wearing these funky spandex swimwear things and everyone is oohing and awing over them. I don’t know if I can’t even tell you what I think about guys wearing things like this. Mainly because I haven’t actually seen any …

Getting to Know Spandex Swimwear

  Any guy that has ever worn men’s spandex swimwear knows that there is nothing better to pull onto your body. There is something so sensual about the feel of spandex against your skin that if I could wear no other material for the rest of my life except one; I would want it to be …