Whenever I start seeing new men’s spandex swimwear designs being shown online, I get an urge to buy as many of them as I possibly can. I usually have to stop myself before I run out of money completely because I will buy every last one of them. I may not wear them all, but I will most certainly buy them just to have them. I have such a large collection of them now that I am not sure if I will ever get the chance to wear each and every one of them before I am too old to do so. On the other hand, I have enough of them to open a shop and sell them to other men. That is so crazy.
I guess you could consider me a hoarder in some ways but rather than hoarding the typical things like newspapers and junk, I am hoarding mens spandex swimwear of all kinds. I know that my friends all think I have lost my mind, but I do not think I am that bad just yet. That is what most crazy people say, though, right? At least I have learned when to stop before getting myself into financial trouble. It was not quite that easy when I first started buying them, though, and I have the letters from the collection agencies to prove it.
I feel that owning men’s spandex swimwear is one of those things that I can control even if it seems like I can’t. I just love the thought of having the newest designs available in case I get the occasion to wear them. It is not much different from other types of collectors around the world. They can go into debt quickly by buying too many trains or collectable cars or whatever just like I can. Of course I do not have the resale value for my swimwear that those other collectors might have with the items that they like to collect. It is not a problem for me, though, because I would not want to sell any of my swimwear so that does not bother me at all.