Any guy that has ever worn men’s spandex swimwear knows that there is nothing better to pull onto your body. There is something so sensual about the feel of spandex against your skin that if I could wear no other material for the rest of my life except one; I would want it to be …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Searching for Ways to Enjoy my Spandex Swimwear
I love wearing spandex swimwear although I don’t have the time to truly enjoy them anymore. I work so many hours that getting the chance to go to the beach has dropped to almost nil. I used to go out every weekend and sit in the sun getting a good tan but, now, I …
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Do as You Please with Your Spandex Swimwear
If you are planning on wearing spandex swimwear this summer, then you should do just that. Stop the planning aspect and go right to the buying aspect so that you can start having some fun with your life. I know there are a lot of people in the world that will tell you to …
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The Greatness of Spandex Swimwear
Spandex swimwear is probably the greatest thing that man has ever created, in my opinion. Well, next to modern medical technology and all of that, of course. The fact that I can wear this kind of material and go out to the beach is mind blowing, though. I was always one of those guys …
Taking a Chance on Something Such As Spandex Swimwear
Most of the men’s spandex swimwear that you see on the beaches today is a direct result of a designer deciding to take a different approach to swimwear. They got tired of looking at the same old swimwear designs that have been around for decades and realized that spandex was a material that could be …
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Erotic Spandex Swimwear Designs
A few of the spandex men’s swimwear designs that I have purchased over the years have been too erotic to take out in public. The funny thing is that I got so excited when I saw them online that I didn’t pay any attention to the designs and whether or not I could take them …
The Evolution of Spandex Swimwear
Men’s spandex swimwear has come a very long way over the last few years from what I can see. There was a time when you couldn’t even buy swimwear that was made from spandex unless it was something to do with diving. Now, you can buy all kinds of spandex designs for everything from …
The Attitude Changes of Spandex Swimwear
Having been involved with spandex swimwear for a very long time, I find it amazing that guys are starting to take this fashion seriously now. It used to be that you couldn’t walk out in public wearing anything made from spandex without getting a lot of flak for it. Everyone seemed to think that …
Starting a New Trend with Spandex Swimwear
I love wearing swimwear to the beach but I have found that I like wearing my spandex swimwear even when I’m not going to the beach. I have some that actually look like shorts, although they are much tighter than regular shorts. I love wearing them to the park just to hang out for …
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Choosing the Best Spandex Swimwear
It takes a special type of guy to wear men’s spandex swimwear in public. Well, maybe not those designs that are generally traditional in nature but only made from spandex. Most people aren’t even aware that they are made from this wonderful material and probably wouldn’t pay any attention to them unless I wore …