Keeping up with Spandex Swimwear


I have started to notice that there are a lot more guys wearing spandex swimwear out in public than ever before. Although I will admit that I haven’t really been that involved in the spandex side of things until recently so I wouldn’t have known if something was made from spandex or not. Now, however, that I am aware of this wonderful material I can definitely see more guys being willing to show their bodies in it. I have even started wearing some of the designs that I feel are a little sexier than what I have been used to wearing in the past.

It is really exciting to know that wearing men’s spandex swimwear is becoming something very common these days. I just wished that I had been wearing things like this a long time ago. I feel kind of left out when I see guys talking about being the first ones on the beach wearing spandex based swimwear. It is like hearing about the way life used to be when your own father was a child. How carefree and laid back the world was at that time. I wished I could have been a part of it, but I am happy that I have finally started wearing spandex at any rate.

I just hope that the future of spandex swimwear doesn’t take a nose dive and create a division amongst beachgoers. I want to be able to wear my spandex designs for a long time without any hassle, but if the designs keep getting skimpier and that is all we have, then people aren’t going to be too happy about them anymore. I am sure that won’t happen overnight, though. At least I hope it doesn’t so that I can keep going to the beach and showing off how sexy I feel my body is while wearing spandex.