Experiencing Spandex Swimwear


I have seen a lot of articles online about spandex swimwear and it made me curious as to what it would be like to wear one for the first time. So I went ahead and bought a simple pair to try out and see if all the hype I was reading would live up to the actual experience. Now I will say that I was not expecting all that much from something of this nature. I have heard everything from a transcendent experience to the most comfortable swimwear in all of history being thrown around and I feel that is subjective to the person wearing it.

There are a lot of guys that talk about the more erotic options in spandex swimwear as if it were the “be all, end all” of existence. I do not really know what that means and I was not too keen on some of the designs I had seen, but I figured that if I did indeed enjoy the common designs I might try some of them later on. I did not think I was ready for something like that anyway and I would not get to wear them around in public all that much, either.


I would love to say that my experience with spandex swimwear was exciting or that I understood how all those other guys felt about them, but that would be putting it too lightly in my opinion. I got a sensation that I was a truly different person once I got used to the way the material fit my body and I kind of liked that new guy. I can comprehend the transcendent comments about this type of swimwear a bit more now. Therefore, I have already purchased five or six of the erotic options to try out as well. I think I might have actually fallen into the category of guys that will go around telling everyone that will listen to them about their spandex now.