Whenever I am wearing my spandex swimwear to the beach, I always end up with people complimenting me. Well, there is that handful of individuals out there that will refuse to compliment anyone that is wearing something they deem unconventional, but I do not pay much attention to them. Those types of people are usually jealous that they could not pull off wearing something like this in public and get complimented, though. At least that is what I keep telling myself anyway. Either way you look at it, I get a lot of people that think my swimwear looks really good on me and that is what really matters to me.
If you are not sure whether or not you would be comfortable wearing spandex swimwear; I would suggest buying one pair and trying it on in the privacy of your home. You might be surprised at just how comfortable this type of swimwear is once you have it on your body. I know there are guys that think wearing spandex is wrong on some level, but I am pretty sure that if they tried just one pair, they would see just how right it can be. I used to think wearing spandex was goofy, but now, it is the only type of swimsuit I will wear to the beach.
There are a lot of different spandex swimwear designs to choose from online and that will take a bit of time to get used to. You will probably want to try some of the really sexy erotic styles first, but I would suggest going with something a little more common first. That does not mean you have to listen to me, though. But you might not like the way the more erotic options fit and that could ruin your first time experience with spandex. On the other hand, if you pick out something more traditional first you will see how comfortable spandex can be and move up into something more erotic later on if you so desire. That is exactly what I have done and I am very happy with that choice.