Spandex Swimwear bikinis, thongs and micro shorts for men.


There is nothing sexier for men or women than spandex swimwear. I enjoy working out hard and slipping on the sexiest spandex swimwear I can find. I have a collection of hot bikinis, thongs, G-strings, pouch only suits and micro shorts. I am planning on adding sex spandex sport tights for my workouts this winter. I love the way my bulge looks in a spandex pouch. It seems like men are starting to realize how hot they can look wearing spandex swimwear designs. I live in Los Angeles and for the past few years I have not used anything larger than a micro bikini and most of the time a thong when I hit the beach. When I first started wearing them it seemed like some guys would wear Speedos but most guys were wearing board shorts. That has changed a lot the last couple of sessions. This summer there were days where is saw more men in bikinis and thongs than I did in shorts. The big event last summer was the advent of micro shorts for men. The skin tight super small shorts some with beautiful bulge style pouches were the rave at our local beaches. My guess is so many more men are working out hard and wanting to show off the results. Whet ever the reason for seeing more men wearing spandex swimwear might be I hope we just keep seeing more and more!

