Spandex Swimwear Cured My Depression


There is nothing better than wearing spandex swimwear out on the beach for me. I used to be one of those guys that never went out in public in anything other than baggy clothing because of my size. I was so big at one point I had to turn sideways just to make it through my front door. I was ashamed of myself for letting this happen and that just threw me into a downward spiral of depression that never seemed to stop. I had no options in my life to change things and I honestly couldn’t see any light at the end of that very long tunnel.

Then, one day I found myself surfing the web and I came across these wonderful spandex swimwear designs. I knew for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to wear anything like that, not out in public anyway, but they really caught my attention. I made a decision right then that I would do whatever I needed to do in order to get into shape and wear one of those designs. The next day I woke up and was determined to go through with it but it took almost five weeks before I could manage the courage and strength to actually accomplish anything.

All of that was almost five years ago and I have been wearing my spandex swimwear for the last two years. I stuck with it and made myself into a completely different man. It was not easy in the least and there were many times when I simply wanted to give up but I kept looking at those designs that I wanted to wear and they pushed me to succeed. Now that I am in good shape and wearing my swimwear in public I can honestly say that I am truly happy now. I will never let myself get into the shape I was before I found these designs again and that is a promise I make myself every single day as I am slipping into them and heading out to the beach.