The Future of Spandex Swimwear


I feel that men’s spandex swimwear is probably going to be the biggest thing to hit fashion in the last three hundred years. I keep seeing more guys wearing these designs out in public and, even if they don’t know what the material is; they are definitely making a statement. I am tired of seeing people wearing traditional swimwear all the time and I think seeing more people in spandex is a great thing. It shows the world that we are not going to be herded together like sheep any longer and that we want to experience this life in fun and exciting ways.

I can’t wait for the erotic spandex swimwear to become popular enough to wear out in public, too. You know the day is coming when this will happen and I am going to be the first guy out there wearing the sexiest swimwear I can find. Right now, that type of swimwear is reserved for those people that have a special invitation to enjoy the privacy of my bedroom. That naturally means that there aren’t that many people that have actually seen my sexy and erotic spandex as of yet.


No matter what you might think about spandex swimwear, the time is coming when it will be just as common as wearing sandals on the beach. Personally, I think it will be a great move forward for humanity when we can feel comfortable wearing things that make us happy without people getting all butt hurt about it. Just think of all the other things in life that we could come to agree on once spandex is openly worn. Okay, that might be stretching it just a bit, but if people were more open minded about spandex as swimwear, then they could definitely be more open minded about other things in their life as well.