Starting a New Trend with Spandex Swimwear


I love wearing swimwear to the beach but I have found that I like wearing my spandex swimwear even when I’m not going to the beach. I have some that actually look like shorts, although they are much tighter than regular shorts. I love wearing them to the park just to hang out for the day. Thankfully, no one has said anything to me about them so I haven’t gotten into trouble just yet. I had a friend that tried wearing his spandex items to the park and he was told to leave and put something more respectable on. Of course his items were a bit risky to wear in public anyway.

Even if you don’t live anywhere near a beach, spandex swimwear is definitely something that you are going to want to have in your closet. You never know when you might be invited over to a pool party at a friend’s house and you will want to show up in something sexy. I get invited to a pool party at least once a month, sometimes more, and I am always the talk of the town for the swimwear I wear.


I love my men’s spandex swimwear and would gladly give up every other bit of clothing I had if forced to do so. As long as I could still wear my spandex it wouldn’t matter at all to me if I didn’t have anything else to wear. I would even try to get into one of those fancy restaurants with my spandex. I probably wouldn’t make it too far past the door, but everyone in that place would see a guy wearing the sexiest swimwear ever created. Maybe I could start a trend with restaurants that cater to guys in sexy swimwear on a global level. Yeah, that probably wouldn’t ever happen, but if you are going to dream you might as well dream big, right?